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We help to make trucks check-in and navigation in manufacturing plants and logistics centers more effective


An efficient system for managing, supervising and check-in of transportation trucks

Qtir is a modern system that can effectively handle the check-in and navigation of trucks in manufacturing plants, logistics centers, warehouses and other places with large movement of trucks. Thanks to the Qtir check-in system, you can accurately record and track the movement of vehicles. Integration with other devices, such as license plate cameras, RFID readers, barriers, display, etc. , will enable automatic navigation of the vehicle to the point of check-in without further interaction with warehouse and logistics staff. This increases the efficiency of check-in, reduces the demands for human resources and saves time and thus costs.

TSM transport planning

Time Slot Management (TSM) is an online reservation system that allows to schedule transports from the dispatcher’s position for a specific day or time window. When creating time slots, it is possible to set various constraints from the administrator’s position, such as the length of the time slot and their maximum number, considering working hours, etc., in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency of ramp and handler utilization. Of course, there is a link with third-party IS such as SAP, Vision, ABRA, etc., from which can be drawn information for transport planning.

Registration of transport YMS

Data is extracted from the planned transports when registering vehicles in YMS. A self-service kiosk is used to register transports to YMS, which reduces the requirements for communication with the operator. Registration is done by selecting from the scheduled transports or by entering a transport identifier. Once registration is complete, the operator has an immediate overview of the waiting vehicles. The self-service kiosk is not only used for registration of transports, but also allows scanning of documents or printing in different variants. For example, printing transport documents after clearance has been completed. Registration can also be done automatically using license plate recognition cameras.

Fast clearance vehicles YMS

Dispatch staff always have an up-to-date overview of vehicles ready for clearance with all the necessary information. Calling up a vehicle for clearance can be done via web app, mobile app or touch screen kiosk. The advantage of kiosks is the possibility to log in with employee cards. In a very intuitive environment, the operator is able to call the vehicle to a specified ramp with a one-touch button. The vehicles are then easily guided to the clearance point by large outdoor LED panels, which direct the driver to the point using for example their registration number. At the same time, it is also possible to use additional tools, such as sending a text message to the driver when a call is made, etc.

YMS control mechanisms

Control points such as gatehouses, weigh stations, etc. can also be integrated into the clearance process. From all these checkpoints, various data such as photos from cameras, scanned license plates, QR readers, RFID… are collected and assigned to a specific transport. All the data about the transports, especially the times of arrival, start and end of the clearance, are used to display online reports about the status of the vehicle clearance and also to generate reports afterwards. You will thus get detailed statistical reports on the progress of the clearance of each shipment.

Statistical outputs – Reports

Clear reports are an essential part of YMS and TMS. The system offers basic reports such as KPI report, Quality report, Improving report, but also many more. In addition to the reports available in the application, QTIR also offers an automatic reporting module. Through this module, automated sending of selected data to the supervisors and management can be set up. With these indicators and data files that can be further processed users gain information on efficiency and general performance.

TSM transport planning

Time Slot Management (TSM) is an online reservation system that allows to schedule transports from the dispatcher’s position for a specific day or time window. When creating time slots, it is possible to set various constraints from the administrator’s position, such as the length of the time slot and their maximum number, considering working hours, etc., in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency of ramp and handler utilization. Of course, there is a link with third-party IS such as SAP, Vision, ABRA, etc., from which can be drawn information for transport planning.

Registration of transport YMS

Data is extracted from the planned transports when registering vehicles in YMS. A self-service kiosk is used to register transports to YMS, which reduces the requirements for communication with the operator. Registration is done by selecting from the scheduled transports or by entering a transport identifier. Once registration is complete, the operator has an immediate overview of the waiting vehicles. The self-service kiosk is not only used for registration of transports, but also allows scanning of documents or printing in different variants. For example, printing transport documents after clearance has been completed. Registration can also be done automatically using license plate recognition cameras.

YMS control mechanisms

Control points such as gatehouses, weigh stations, etc. can also be integrated into the clearance process. From all these checkpoints, various data such as photos from cameras, scanned license plates, QR readers, RFID… are collected and assigned to a specific transport. All the data about the transports, especially the times of arrival, start and end of the clearance, are used to display online reports about the status of the vehicle clearance and also to generate reports afterwards. You will thus get detailed statistical reports on the progress of the clearance of each shipment

Fast clearance vehicles YMS

Dispatch staff always have an up-to-date overview of vehicles ready for clearance with all the necessary information. Calling up a vehicle for clearance can be done via web app, mobile app or touch screen kiosk. The advantage of kiosks is the possibility to log in with employee cards. In a very intuitive environment, the operator is able to call the vehicle to a specified ramp with a one-touch button. The vehicles are then easily guided to the clearance point by large outdoor LED panels, which direct the driver to the point using for example their registration number. At the same time, it is also possible to use additional tools, such as sending a text message to the driver when a call is made, etc.

Statistical outputs – Reports

Clear reports are an essential part of YMS and TMS. The system offers basic reports such as KPI report, Quality report, Improving report, but also many more. In addition to the reports available in the application, QTIR also offers an automatic reporting module. Through this module, automated sending of selected data to the supervisors and management can be set up. With these indicators and data files that can be further processed users gain information on efficiency and general performance.


Example of a customised effective solution

The advantage of the Qtir check-in system is great flexibility. Process of implementing is preceded by a thorough analysis of the customer’s operation, which ensures that the entire system is set up from the beginning according to the customer’s processes and needs. Customised modifications and the possibility of changing system settings according to current needs are a standard and are included in the basic package. Based on the recorded data, it is possible to subsequently evaluate various statistics and reports, which will again help to make the entire check-in process more effective.


The logistics department enters the planned shipments, including all the necessary information for check-in into the loading window application. Alternatively, this information can be transmitted automatically from the customer’s internal IS.

Entrance to the area

When the truck is called up by the warehouseman, the license plate and the place of check-in will appear on the display. The driver also receives a text message (SMS) with the detailed information. Entry into the area is permitted by scanning the license plate in front of the entrance barrier.

Check and departure

At the departure, by the barcode on the ticket, the license plate is scanned and the load is weighed. The gatekeeper checks the cargo, confirms the automatically scanned data in the application, then raises the barrier and completes check-in.


The logistics department enters the planned shipments, including all the necessary information for check-in into the loading window application. Alternatively, this information can be transmitted automatically from the customer’s internal IS.

Entrance to the area

When the truck is called up by the warehouseman, the license plate and the place of check-in will appear on the display. The driver also receives a text message (SMS) with the detailed information. Entry into the area is permitted by scanning the license plate in front of the entrance barrier.

Check and departure

At the departure, by the barcode on the ticket, the license plate is scanned and the load is weighed. The gatekeeper checks the cargo, confirms the automatically scanned data in the application, then raises the barrier and completes check-in.


Drivers register at the self-service kiosk using a transport number or license plate. Then they fill in the phone number and after confirming the security information, a barcode ticket is printed.


After the truck arrives at the ramp, the warehouseman records the start of check-in in the application. At the end of check-in, the warehouseman hands over the documents to the driver, records the number of loaded pallets and the finish time of the check-in


Řidiči se na samoobslužném kiosku registrují pomocí čísla přepravy či RZ. Doplní telefonní číslo a po potvrzení bezpečnostních informací je vytištěn lístek s čárovým kódem.


Po příjezdu kamionu na rampu zaznamená skladník v aplikaci začátek odbavení. Po ukončení odbavení předá řidiči dokumenty, zaznamená počet naložených palet a čas dokončení odbavení.


  • Thanks to the QTIR system, check-in has been speeded up and communication with drivers has been simplified.

    Pavel Jedlička – CDC warehouse manager

  • An efficient and intelligent check-in system with an individual solution.

    Miroslav Šulc – Technical Director

  • Thanks to turnkey-made development, the delivered solution precisely covered our needs.

    General opinion – team of company employees

  • Thanks to turnkey-made development, the delivered solution precisely covered our needs.

    Jiří Kubala – Leiter Logistik / Logistics Manager

  • The delivered solution of the Qtir Truck Queue Management System speeded up and simplified our process of truck check-in.

    Josef Pöschl – Bead Wire Logistics specialist

  • We manage seasonal workloads thanks to a system from Tetronik

    VF Czech s.r.o. – team of company employees

  • A solution that made communication with drivers faster and more effective

    Vamar International s.r.o. – team of company employees


If you are interested in our solution, leave your contact information and we will call you back.

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    TETRONIK v.d.  Tel: 416 782 458 Email: